Saturday, October 06, 2007

After discovering I'm not a geek, I prove...

I actually am a huge geek, by admitting to a weakness...

Last night, My Lady and I went out at 11:00pm to a movie. You know, one of those 'late night' flicks where they show a wildly popular/cult picture on the screen?

We went to see Serenity, on the anniversary of the release, at the Riverview Theater in Minneapolis.

It was organised by The Minnesota Browncoats, and it was meant to raise money for VEAP, Minneapolis.

Okay... Now that the links are done... Let me just say that both My Lady and I are horribly addicted to the darn Movie and the original series that spawned the film, Firefly.

My Lady and I watched a few episodes in Britain, whilst living there... She hated it. I'm not kidding.... She really, really hated the show.

When our friend Brett gave us the entire series on DVD to borrow, um... Well... Let's just say she changed her mind. (She admitted later that she couldn't understand a word the characters were saying in the show, and so she didn't really get it. After living in the States for almost two years, she's able to handle the 'Western lexicon" a bit better.)

We watched the whole series in about two days... Then I went out the same Sunday we finished the show, to go buy the film. You know, we had to 'finish' the story.

Anyhoo... We went out to the film last night with Brett and his friend, and we had a wonderful time. There was a costume contest (and frankly... It was a bit silly, and dodgy, and well... I wish I had gone in costume. Yes, that's how geeky I get about this.) and all sorts of people who know when to laugh, how hard to laugh, and enjoy LAUGHING during the whole film.

Anyhoo... If you haven't seen the film... Go see it/go rent it/go buy it.

It's great fun.

Okay.... That's enough 'geeking out' for one day.

