Friday, July 28, 2006

Just a bit of news...

Hi readers.

Well, yesterday My Lady received her "official greencard" in the post.

No, it's not actually "green," it's sort of a beige-coloured card, I suppose it has "green-ish tinge" to it, but it's not really green.

However, we're both chuffed.

Second piece of news...

I'm not going to get my hopes up, but... I've just applied for a position at a college to the south of the Cities (about 45 mins by car) that I'm "moderately" hopeful about. You see, a friend of mine told me about the job before it was even posted. And then she talked to the job's "people" and they don't seem to upset with the idea of "perhaps" me finding a place there...

Lot's of maybe's, supposes, and perhapses, yes... But I was just talking to folks two weeks ago, who were doing the typical, "I can't understand why he can't get a job" thing...

Well... I can't get one, 'cause I'm either over-qualified for most positions. Or desperately UNDER-qualified for them. For THIS possible job... I'm actually uniquely qualified for it... It's right up my alley. Tee hee...

Anyway, my answer to those people who are in shock over me having issues finding a job, is that, well... Frankly...

The economy is crap. And every job I've actually had in the past has been found through "networking" of some sort.

I've been "attempting" to network (yes... Matt and Anna, I honestly HAVE been trying) However... I suddenly realised when I returned to the U.S. that I had left most of my "networking type contacts" back in Britain. That's right... Except for a "few" academics over on this side of the pond, I'm pretty much just floatin' in the breeze.

Well... My friend, at that little college (University, Brits) has "networked" for me.

I have an application entered for the job before the job is actually "posted" and I'm hoping that in my zeal... I'll have a chance...

Well... That's it for today...

I hope everyone in Canterbury is enjoying your weather... It's actually PAINFUL to look at the readings... It's heading up to 39°C here, I think... And the humidity?!?!? Gah!

-- T