Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Cheers for all the fun comments...

I truly enjoyed all of the fun comments on the last post's Video-blog entry. You made my week, everyone. Thanks.

Well, today is Wednesday, and we're bracing for yet another Winter Storm. Yep, they're saying that the accumulation for this next round will be about a foot of snow.

A foot.


It's rather amusing, really... For most of this Winter, I've been complaining about the lack of a "Real Minnesota Winter" and how "In my day, we used to have WINTERS" and all the other daft things I was saying. And now... And now????

I'm tired of it. The parking lot (car park) for our apartment block (block of flats) is still not completely plowed from last weekend's storm, and now we're going to be dumped upon once more. I'm not amused.

Well... I guess there's no way of negotiating with "Mother Nature," and we're just going to have to take it. I'm not looking forward to the approximately 180 miles that I'll be driving THROUGH this particular storm to and fro work, but... That's life in Minnesota, no?

Only one vaguely political thing today... I hate THIS GUY. I don't know why, but the idea of the weirdo running for President in 2008 is just annoying me. Perhaps, it's 'cause when I clicked on his website to link to him, this was on the site at the time:

I mean, what an ASS!

Defeat the Jihadists? Immigration? Oh, and of course... Contribute!

What a butt-hole licking dweeb.

Yeah, you know... A guy named "Mitt" being president in America? I don't think so. Nope. I don't think so.

Anyhoo... Hope all of you are well. Wish me luck on my driving this week, should be fun.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

1st Video Blog! Cool huh?

I hope you all enjoy my first video-blog.


Friday, February 23, 2007

The crazy lady strikes again...

Again, I've been a bit remiss in my supposedly 'daily' blog. My sincerest apologies. For some reason, finding the time to actually sit down, think about something, and then spend the time putting my occasionally verbose thoughts into a short blog-post has become a major effort for me.

So, just a quickie today, as I'm still swamped.

Speaking of the Crazy Lady Michelle Bachman, I found this link:

Bachmann: Iran has plan to turn part of Iraq into terrorist haven, from Minnesota Public Radio.

That's right... The freshman congressperson from Stillwater, MN, knows all about the inner workings and plans of the Iranian government, and feels quite free to share said intelligence with a small St. Cloud, MN newspaper.

Uh huh...


I'm so glad she's not MY congress person. I feel for my eastern Minnesotan neighbours.

-- Tuckmac

Sunday, February 18, 2007

As to why I've been so crap at Blogging lately:

I don't know if I can promise that I'm going to start being an amazing DAY by DAY blogger, or anything, but I'm finally going to have a bit more time to be on-line now that the flat is finished. Yep, My Lady and I are finally all moved in, and 'settled'.

Today, I thought I'd throw up a few photos of the finished move/decorated apartment at the Carleton Artist Lofts (CAL) in St. Paul, Minnesota.

So... Without further ado... Photos:

Living room, on one's left, as you walk into the flat.

From the Living Room, toward the hall and Bath.

From next to the Bath, the view of the rest of the flat.

The Kitchen. With amazing hand-crafted wooden cutting board, courtesy of my uncle Bob. Thank YOU sir!

Back towards the hallway, with running Agamemnon.

The Hall, towards the Bedroom. With Mssr. Sorebum, our antique friend, thanks to My Lady's Grandpa, Doug.

The Studio and Dining area. Fi's on the left, I'm on the right (under the lamp).

View back towards the Living Room, and the flat's door.

Our wonderful bedroom, with comfy bed.

Bedroom with chest of drawers. That puppy weighed more than God. Thanks again, Brett for helping with the move.

Well, that's it for now. I have a few things to do this evening, and I must be going. I, again, apologise for being a bit sparse on my posting, and am going to endeavour to return to 'normal' posting soon.

-- Tuckmac

Thursday, February 08, 2007

At home... More cheese sandwiches, please.

Last night, in OUR NEW FLAT, My Lady and I spent a bit of time in the kitchen, eating, drinking and making merry with my camera... Here's a few shots (allowing you to see the lack of art on the walls, but the fact that the bookcases are full):

My Lady, and in the background, Mssr. Sorebum, our 100 year-old poseable mannikin

Me. My Lady made me say, "Tony Blair does it with monkeys, and likes it." She snapped the pic right after I finished said phrase. I think that may describe the expression. Maybe not.

Other than that... Our "Internet drought" is coming to an end tomorrow. The guy is supposed to be there some-time tomorrow to hook up our internet, etc... We can't wait. Neither My Lady nor myself are "T.V." people. However, we DO like the newspaper and/or internet news, and... We've had NONE of these items in a week! Gah!

Our poopy...

...Memnon, is coming HOME on Sunday... I'm not sure how he's going to do going from being a "house" dog to an "apartment" dog, but the darn little guy seems to handle change well. We'll be glad to have him with us.


There's a thousand things to do... So, I'd better get goin'.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Moving is...

Hi readers... A very tired, sore, and (frankly) rather cranky Tuckmac, is your host for today.

We moved this weekend. Moved. MOOOO-VVV-EEE-DDDDDDDD, this past weekend.

I want to thank My Lady, for putting up with my, um, shortness, a few times this weekend. I also want to thank her for helping and being really supportive and organising-madly, and everything....

I want to thank my mother, for being SO delighted that we were finally moving out of her house, and also thank you for helping with the packing, moving and schlepping.

I finally want to thank my friend Brett, who kicked it in, and helped me move all of our crap from Bloomington to St. Paul. THANK YOU BRETT!!!

Now, a quick tour of our THEN empty-ish flat. (It's full now.) Once we get our sofa, and the art on the walls, we'll make MORE photos, sort of showing you all just how we live. 'Kay? Cool... Till then, the sort-of-kinda empty flat:

On one's left as you enter the flat, the living room.

On one's RIGHT as you enter the flat, the hall closet (closed) and the washer and dryer (in a small closet).

A view from the "studio" towards the kitchen/hallway. The loo is in that open door at the top-left.

A view of the studio-area. Nice brick/wood remnants, no?

You can view ALL of the silly photos of our "pre-move" in which I had already started moving stuff with my station-wagon/estate car, here:
Fotki Photo-hosting, NOT FLICKR, 'cause I've been DOING this for a long time, and FLICKR is new! Phbbt! or >:-P

That's right... By clicking the above link, you'll see such amazing NAFF photos, like the ceiling in our closet, and many more...

(Why do people get so weird about their new homes? I'm a photographer, and I actually made a picture of the ceiling in my bedroom's closet????!!!!)

Anyhoo... I wanted to thank folks for your comments in my last blog entry:
titled: Sorry.

Big Daddy Malcontent for explaining the weirdness that is the maths involved in Celsius to Fahrenheit conversions...

Lisa, Rock Abi, and N8ey for their supportive comments...

And to Blue Gal for absolutely destroying what little faith in the justice of the universe I had remaining in my soul, by informing me that Tucker Carlson, the biggest arse-sucker in the world actually DOES share a LEGAL first name with me. And he's SO much more famous than I am, the right-wing plonker! (All of this in response to a comment I left on HER blog about this POST. (I'm sure I'm meant to do a "trackback" thing, or something, but as I don't really know how to use that function, I'm hoping the link will do.))

Well... Those are the thanks, and the pics.

I'm off.

Tuckmac (The REAL Tucker, even if that plonker WAS born four years before me.)

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Hi everyone...

Okay, so I'm not blogging as much as normal. Sorry.

We're moving to our new flat (Photos to come soon.)

My wonderful Lady put in her two-week notice at the Mall. (We're pretty sure she has another job, but even if that doesn't pan out... NO HUMAN can survive the place she works.)

I haven't slept in like, four days.

We have too much stuff.


Oh, and the deadly-cold temps -23°C (-10°F), wind-chills at -36°C (-32°F), whilst moving, have been really really fun.


Why do the conversions between °F and °C get closer together as it gets colder?


I'll write more when I've recovered.
