Tuckmac's first conference....
I admit that it's taken me a while to post about the conference I attended on Oct. 18th through the 22nd. But, as in many cases (and I'm sure a number of my readers could back me up on this) I spent a very busy week back at work, trying to catch up with everything I missed whilst away.
I had a pretty good time... And my co-worker and I made a few photos, and I'll post them up here as a way to explain the trip a bit. So... Tuckmac's First Conference through Photography:
Lew and I spent time on our iPhones getting in touch with family back in the Twin Cities (St. Paul/Minneapolis). Our Delta (piece of crap airline) flight had been so late, we missed our connecting flight to Gainesville from Atlanta. We had to take a taxicab from Jacksonville to Gainesville. (About 83 miles too long a ride.)
When not in a session learning about Classroom Presentations or Educational Media, we spent a bit of time in the hotel bar. It was a sports bar, and right next to the University of Florida's campus. Meaning everything was "Gators" everywhere. (Gators would be the mascot for the UofF teams)
There were bugs
Although most dressed pretty 'office-casual', I decided to go for being just 'me.' Therefore, I was the only member of the conference to wear a band t-shirt... I waited all day for someone to ask me about the The Bastard Fairies, and eventually someone finally did do so. By the way... The Bastard Fairies are AMAZING!
We toured the University of Florida's Technology stuff, and although having a bit of fun with a Wendy's sign
We were unable to find coffee, which prompted this next photo:
Sad, in front of the CLOSED Starbucks Coffee... That's right, the whole campus seemed closed on Saturday.
We saw Gators
Took a boat tour with Captain Fred (funny guy, hokey tour)
Drank heavily... (Yes, that whole cup is filled with whiskey. Um... She said 'whoops' and poured it to the top. The awesome bartender (Dana, by the way) said 'whoops' twice more that night. I was pretty far gone by the end of it.
We saw butterflys, and they liked Nicks head
And this guy's hand
And fruit 'rotting fruit' I may add...
But they were really beautiful. This was all in at the Natural History Museum in Gainesville. They release hundreds of butterflies a DAY in this screened-in jungle.
And after more interminable meetings about technology. (Which I admit were interesting, and rather edifying...)
Gate 3 of 3, gates... At the Gainesville regional Airport
After yet another hour-over-where-we-were-supposed-to-be-waiting... We were seated in the only row on the airplane without a window.
And here we're finally on our way back to Minnesota.
So... There you go. There's a brief journey through my last weekend. I'll update with more interesting news later, but after typing all that code into my blog post editor, I'm tired of typing.
See ya laters!
Labels: bugs, cheese sandwich, conference, gators